Tuesday, November 18, 2008

1 more pic with Clara Jie Jie

I am no longer small

Please dun carry me like this ok?

Looking like a star? I hope!

Trying to look pretty with the red curtain here

Carry so many doggy? NO I dun want!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I am going out!

Where are you bringing me? 

No no no....

I dun want to take picture... I am shy

it's not so easy to take pics of us!

Faith: Are you 2 kaypohs ready yet? Can you please hurry up!?

Milo: I am almost ready...

Bubble: No I am not! I've not put on my lipstick yet!

Faith: Quick la... I want to go chase other dogs already!

Are we done yet?

Where is faith??

She gave up taking pic with us!? Never mind.. we take ourselves! Now say Ah.....

This green aunty...

This green aunty... why is she like so scared of me?
Hmmm... maybe it has something to do with her shoes...
let me smell who it belongs to

Meeting Bubble

This is bubble... the friend I've been waiting to meet

Hello.... oh... so proud?

My name is milo... you are so pretty...
I am not wearing any perfume today... so I smell.. sorry!

Clara Jie Jie

She was very nice and gentle to me... carried me when papa was lazy!
Lazy papa...

doing the lion dance?

Faith ma says I am doing the lion dance here... hahahaha... actually i just wanna look cool... but i dun think i did well... 

Friday, November 14, 2008

my little red tongue

How do I look with my tongue...